Tuesday 12 May 2009

What a plonker

Given they hail from Only Fools and Horses country, it seems fitting that Millwall Football Club are behaving like a right bunch of wallies.

Saturday's match between their great friends Leeds United was a recipe for trouble. And trouble was exactly what they got.

The press coverage seemed fair enough from the snippets and TV footage I saw. Monday's Daily Express even had a picture of a Millwall fan on the pitch throwing a cigarette lighter. As you do.

So it amused me no end to see this press release on the Millwall Official Website. It was a rant at "the highly sensationalised reportage of Saturday's game" from sections of the media. The final line reminding us "journalists and the media have a duty to play their part by reporting factually and responsibily" actually made me laugh out loud.

Why? Because the plonker that had written it had said earlier: "There was no pitch invasion, as has been reported in some newspapers."

Coverage on YouTube begs to differ. They really don't help themselves at times.

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